volumes: ziti-controller: driver: local networks: ziti: driver: bridge services: chown-controller: image: busybox command: chown -R ${ZIGGY_UID:-2171} /ziti-controller volumes: - ziti-controller:/ziti-controller ziti-controller: image: ${ZITI_CONTROLLER_IMAGE:-openziti/ziti-controller} depends_on: chown-controller: condition: service_completed_successfully user: ${ZIGGY_UID:-2171} volumes: - ziti-controller:/ziti-controller networks: ziti: aliases: - ${ZITI_CTRL_ADVERTISED_ADDRESS:-ziti-controller} # assign override vars in an .env file or export from parent env to ensure consistency throughout the compose # project environment: # *** these are the important vars to set to bootstrap the configuration during first run*** ZITI_CTRL_ADVERTISED_ADDRESS: ${ZITI_CTRL_ADVERTISED_ADDRESS:-ziti-controller} # FQDN of the controller ZITI_CTRL_ADVERTISED_PORT: ${ZITI_CTRL_ADVERTISED_PORT:-1280} # TCP port of the controller ZITI_PWD: ${ZITI_PWD:-} # password for the default admin user # *** less relevant vars below *** ZITI_BOOTSTRAP: true # bootstrap the controller if "true" ZITI_BOOTSTRAP_PKI: true # make the default PKI if "true"; requires ZITI_BOOTSTRAP=true ZITI_BOOTSTRAP_CONFIG: true # make config file from env vars and defaults if "true," overwrite if "force"; requires ZITI_BOOTSTRAP=true ZITI_BOOTSTRAP_DATABASE: true # make the default admin user if "true"; requires ZITI_BOOTSTRAP=true ZITI_AUTO_RENEW_CERTS: true # renew certs automatically every startup; requires ZITI_BOOTSTRAP_PKI=true ZITI_BOOTSTRAP_CONFIG_ARGS: # additional arguments to: ziti create config controller command: run config.yml ports: # ensure this port matches the value of ZITI_CTRL_PORT in the container - ${ZITI_INTERFACE:-}:${ZITI_CTRL_ADVERTISED_PORT:-1280}:${ZITI_CTRL_ADVERTISED_PORT:-1280} expose: - ${ZITI_CTRL_ADVERTISED_PORT:-1280} restart: unless-stopped healthcheck: test: - CMD - ziti - agent - stats interval: 3s timeout: 3s retries: 5 start_period: 15s