services: quickstart: image: ${}:${ZITI_CLI_TAG:-latest} restart: unless-stopped networks: quickstart: # this allows other containers to use the same external DNS name to reach the quickstart container from within the # Docker network that clients outside the Docker network use to reach the quickstart container via port forwarding aliases: - ${ZITI_CTRL_ADVERTISED_ADDRESS:-ziti-controller} - ${ZITI_ROUTER_ADVERTISED_ADDRESS:-ziti-router} entrypoint: - bash - -euc - | ZITI_CMD+=" --ctrl-address ${ZITI_CTRL_ADVERTISED_ADDRESS:-quickstart}"\ " --ctrl-port ${ZITI_CTRL_ADVERTISED_PORT:-1280}"\ " --router-address ${ZITI_ROUTER_ADVERTISED_ADDRESS:-${ZITI_CTRL_ADVERTISED_ADDRESS:-quickstart}}"\ " --router-port ${ZITI_ROUTER_PORT:-3022}"\ " --password ${ZITI_PWD:-admin}" echo "DEBUG: run command is: ziti $${@} $${ZITI_CMD}" exec ziti "$${@}" $${ZITI_CMD} command: -- edge quickstart --home /home/ziggy/quickstart user: ${ZIGGY_UID:-1000} environment: PFXLOG_NO_JSON: "${PFXLOG_NO_JSON:-true}" ZITI_ROUTER_NAME: ${ZITI_ROUTER_NAME:-quickstart-router} volumes: # store the quickstart state in a named volume "ziti_home" or store the quickstart state on the Docker host in a # directory, ZITI_HOME - ${ZITI_HOME:-ziti_home}:/home/ziggy ports: - ${ZITI_INTERFACE:-}:${ZITI_CTRL_ADVERTISED_PORT:-1280}:${ZITI_CTRL_ADVERTISED_PORT:-1280} - ${ZITI_INTERFACE:-}:${ZITI_ROUTER_PORT:-3022}:${ZITI_ROUTER_PORT:-3022} expose: - ${ZITI_CTRL_ADVERTISED_PORT:-1280} - ${ZITI_ROUTER_PORT:-3022} depends_on: quickstart-init: condition: service_completed_successfully healthcheck: test: - CMD - ziti - agent - stats interval: 3s timeout: 3s retries: 5 start_period: 30s # this service is used to initialize the ziti_home volume by setting the owner to the UID of the user running the # quickstart container quickstart-init: image: busybox command: chown -Rc ${ZIGGY_UID:-1000} /home/ziggy user: root volumes: # store the quickstart state in a named volume "ziti_home" or store the quickstart state on the Docker host in a # directory, ZITI_HOME - ${ZITI_HOME:-ziti_home}:/home/ziggy # add a health check for the quickstart network quickstart-check: image: busybox command: echo "Ziti is cooking" depends_on: quickstart: condition: service_healthy # define a custom network so that we can also define a DNS alias for the quickstart container networks: quickstart: driver: bridge volumes: # this will not be used if you switch from named volume to bind mount volume ziti_home: driver: local