#!/usr/bin/env bash set -o errexit set -o nounset set -o pipefail checkBashVersion() { if (( "${BASH_VERSION%%.*}" < 4 )); then echo "This script requires Bash major version 4 or greater." echo "Detected version: $BASH_VERSION" if [[ ${OSTYPE:-} =~ [Dd]arwin ]]; then echo -e "\nOn macOS, you can install bash with Homebrew:" echo "brew install bash" echo -e "\nThen run:" #shellcheck disable=SC2016 echo '"$(brew --prefix bash)/bin/bash" ./miniziti.bash ...' fi exit 1; fi } banner(){ local profile="${1-}" cat <&2 else banner fi echo -e "\n Basic Commands:\n"\ " start\t\tstart miniziti\n"\ " delete\t\tdelete miniziti\n"\ " console\t\topen ziti-console in browser\n"\ " creds\t\tprints admin user updb credentials\n"\ " status\t\tprint ziti component status\n"\ " ziti\t\tziti cli wrapper\n"\ " help\t\tshow these usage hints\n"\ "\n Profile Commands:\n"\ " profile list\tlist available profiles\n"\ " profile show\tshow default profile\n"\ " profile use\t\tset default profile\n"\ "\n Advanced Commands:\n"\ " shell\t\trun interactive shell inside the ziti-controller container\n"\ " login\t\trun local ziti binary edge login\n"\ "\n Other Commands:\n"\ " kubectl\t\tkubectl cli wrapper\n"\ " minikube\t\tminikube cli wrapper\n"\ "\n Options:\n"\ " --quiet\t\tsuppress INFO messages\n"\ " --verbose\t\tshow DEBUG messages\n"\ " --profile\t\tMINIKUBE_PROFILE (miniziti)\n"\ " --namespace\t\tZITI_NAMESPACE (MINIKUBE_PROFILE)\n"\ " --no-hosts\t\tdon't use local hosts DB or ingress-dns nameserver\n"\ " --modify-hosts\tadd entries to local hosts database. Requires sudo if not running as root. Linux only.\n"\ "\n Debug:\n"\ " --charts\t\tZITI_CHARTS_REF (openziti) alternative charts repo\n"\ " --values-dir\tEXTRA_VALUES_DIR with Helm values files named ziti-controller.yaml or ziti-router.yaml\n"\ " --now\t\teliminate safety waits, e.g., before deleting miniziti\n"\ " --\t\t\tMINIKUBE_START_ARGS args after -- passed to minikube start\n" } _usageProfileUse(){ echo -e "\nSet miniziti default profile\n"\ "\n Usage:\n"\ " ziti profile use [profile]\n" } _usageProfile(){ if (( $# )); then echo -e "\nERROR: unexpected arg '$1'" >&2 fi echo -e "\nProfile management commands\n"\ "\n Usage:\n"\ " ziti profile [command]\n"\ "\n Available Commands:\n"\ " list\tlist available profiles\n"\ " show\tshow default profile\n"\ " use\t\tset miniziti profile\n" } checkDns(){ # only param is an IPv4 [[ $# -eq 1 && $1 =~ ([0-9]{1,3}\.){3}[0-9]{1,3} ]] || { logError "need IPv4 of miniziti ingress as only param to checkDns()" return 1 } logDebug "checking dns to ensure miniziti-controller.${MINIZITI_INGRESS_ZONE} resolves to $1" if grep -qE "^${1//./\\.}.*miniziti-controller.${MINIZITI_INGRESS_ZONE}" /etc/hosts \ || nslookup "miniziti-controller.${MINIZITI_INGRESS_ZONE}" | grep -q "${1//./\\.}"; then logDebug "host dns found expected minikube ingress IP '$1'" return 0 else logError "miniziti-controller.${MINIZITI_INGRESS_ZONE} does not resolve to '$1'. Did you add the record in /etc/hosts?" return 1 fi } deleteMiniziti(){ local WAIT=30 if [[ $1 =~ ^[0-9]+$ ]]; then WAIT="$1" shift else logDebug "no integer param detected to deleteMiniziti(), using default wait time ${WAIT}s" fi (( SAFETY_WAIT )) && { logWarn "deleting ${MINIKUBE_PROFILE} in ${WAIT}s, use --now to skip wait" >&2 sleep "$WAIT" } logInfo "waiting for ${MINIKUBE_PROFILE} to be deleted" minikube --profile "${MINIKUBE_PROFILE}" delete >&3 } detectOs(){ if grep -qi "microsoft" /proc/sys/kernel/osrelease 2>/dev/null; then logDebug "detected Windows OS" echo "Windows" elif [[ ${OSTYPE:-} =~ [Dd]arwin ]]; then logDebug "detected macOS OS" echo "macOS" elif [[ ${OSTYPE:-} =~ [Ll]inux ]]; then logDebug "detected Linux OS" echo "Linux" else logError "failed to detect OS" return 1 fi } makeMinizitiStateDir() { case "$DETECTED_OS" in macOS) state_dir="${XDG_STATE_DIR:-$HOME/Library/Application Support}/miniziti" ;; Linux|Windows) state_dir="${XDG_STATE_DIR:-$HOME/.local/state}/miniziti" ;; *) logError "Unknown os: $DETECTED_OS" exit 1 esac if [[ ! -d "$state_dir" ]]; then logDebug "Creating miniziti state directory: $state_dir" mkdir -p "$state_dir" fi echo "$state_dir" } getZitiCliHome() { case "$DETECTED_OS" in Linux) echo "$HOME/.config/ziti" ;; *) echo "$HOME/.ziti" ;; esac } pathToNative() { local path="$1" case "$DETECTED_OS" in Windows) wslpath -w "$path" ;; *) echo "$path" ;; esac } testClusterDns(){ if kubectlWrapper run "dnstest" --rm --tty --stdin --image busybox --restart Never -- \ nslookup "miniziti-controller.${MINIZITI_INGRESS_ZONE}" | grep "$1" >&3; then logInfo "cluster dns test succeeded" else logError "cluster dns test failed" return 1 fi } validateDnsName(){ if ! [[ $# -eq 1 ]]; then logError "validateDnsName() takes one string param" return 1 fi if grep -qP '(?=^.{4,253}$)(^(?:[a-zA-Z0-9](?:(?:[a-zA-Z0-9\-]){0,61}[a-zA-Z0-9])?)+[a-zA-Z0-9]$)' <<< "$1"; then logDebug "'$1' is a valid DNS name" return 0 else logError "'$1' could not be validated as an unqualified DNS name which is limited to at least four alphanumeric and hyphen characters, starts with a letter, and does not end with a hyphen." return 1 fi } checkSudoRequired() { if (( EUID != 0 )); then logInfo "sudo is required when not running as root" fi } HOSTS_FILE='/etc/hosts' cleanHosts() { local marker="$1" logWarn "Removing stale miniziti entries from $HOSTS_FILE" if (( EUID != 0 )); then sudo sed -i "/$marker/d" "$HOSTS_FILE" else sed -i "/$marker/d" "$HOSTS_FILE" fi } installHosts() { hosts=( "miniziti-controller.$MINIZITI_INGRESS_ZONE" "miniziti-router.$MINIZITI_INGRESS_ZONE" ) hosts_line="$MINIKUBE_NODE_EXTERNAL ${hosts[*]}" if ! grep -q "$hosts_line" "$HOSTS_FILE"; then checkSudoRequired if grep -q "$MINIZITI_INGRESS_ZONE" "$HOSTS_FILE"; then cleanHosts "$MINIZITI_INGRESS_ZONE" fi logInfo "Adding miniziti entries to $HOSTS_FILE" if (( EUID != 0 )); then echo "$hosts_line" | sudo tee -a "$HOSTS_FILE" > /dev/null else echo "$hosts_line" | tee -a "$HOSTS_FILE" > /dev/null fi fi } getAdminSecret() { kubectlWrapper get secrets "ziti-controller-admin-secret" \ --namespace "$ZITI_NAMESPACE" \ --output go-template='{{index .data "admin-password" | base64decode }}' } showAdminCreds() { logInfo "The password for 'admin' is: '$(getAdminSecret)'" } getConfigMapKey() { local configmap="$1" local key="$2" kubectlWrapper get configmap "$configmap" \ --ignore-not-found=true \ --output jsonpath="{.data.$key}" 2> /dev/null } getIngressZone() { ingress_zone="$(getConfigMapKey "$MINIZITI_CONFIGMAP" 'ingress-zone')" if [[ -z "$ingress_zone" ]]; then logError "Failed to retrieve ingress zone. Did you start profile '$MINIKUBE_PROFILE' successfully?" exit 1 else echo "$ingress_zone" fi } minizitiLogin() { checkCommand ziti ingress_zone="$(getIngressZone)" getAdminSecret | xargs ziti edge login "https://miniziti-controller.$ingress_zone:443/edge/management/v1" \ --cli-identity "$MINIKUBE_PROFILE" \ --yes \ --username "admin" \ --password logInfo "Setting default ziti identity to: $MINIKUBE_PROFILE" ziti edge use "$MINIKUBE_PROFILE" >&3 } minizitiConsole() { ingress_zone="$(getIngressZone)" console_url="https://miniziti-controller.${ingress_zone}/zac/" case "$DETECTED_OS" in "Windows") checkCommand wslview wslview "$console_url" ;; "macOS") checkCommand open open "$console_url" ;; *) checkCommand xdg-open xdg-open "$console_url" ;; esac logInfo "Opening ziti-console: $console_url ..." } listProfiles() { dir --format=single-column --ignore=default --sort=time --reverse "$PROFILES_DIR" } logger() { local caller="${FUNCNAME[1]}" if (( $# < 1 )); then echo "ERROR: $caller() takes 1 or more args" >&2 return 1 fi local message="$*" if [[ "$message" =~ ^r\'(.+)\'$ ]]; then raw_message="${BASH_REMATCH[1]}" message="$raw_message" fi caller_level="${caller##log}" if (( MINIZITI_DEBUG )); then line="${caller_level^^} ${FUNCNAME[2]}:${BASH_LINENO[1]}: $message" else line="${caller_level^^} $message" fi if [[ -n "${raw_message-}" ]]; then echo -E "$line" else echo -e "$line" fi } logInfo() { logger "$*" } logWarn() { logger "$*" >&2 } logError() { logger "$*" >&2 } logDebug() { logger "$*" >&3 } controllerPod() { kubectlWrapper get pods \ --selector app.kubernetes.io/component=ziti-controller \ --output jsonpath='{.items[0].metadata.name}' } getPodStatus() { local pod_name="$1" kubectlWrapper get pod \ --selector app.kubernetes.io/component="$pod_name" \ --ignore-not-found=true \ --output jsonpath='{.items[0].status.phase}' 2> /dev/null } showStatus() { COMPONENTS=("ziti-controller" "ziti-router") for component in "${COMPONENTS[@]}"; do status="$(getPodStatus "$component")" if [[ -z "$status" ]]; then logError "Could not retrieve status for component $component" exit 1 fi echo "$component: $status" done } getDefaultProfile() { default_profile="$DEFAULT_PROFILE" if [[ -L "$default_profile" ]]; then basename "$(realpath "$default_profile")" else echo "miniziti" fi } setProfile() { profile="$1" profiles="$(listProfiles)" if ! echo "$profiles" | grep -q "$profile"; then logError "Invalid profile: $profile\nValid profiles are:\n$profiles" exit 1 else ln -nsf "$PROFILES_DIR/$profile" "$DEFAULT_PROFILE" logInfo "Set default profile to: '$profile'" fi } zitiWrapper() { kubectlWrapper exec "$(controllerPod)" --container ziti-controller -- zitiLogin > /dev/null kubectlWrapper exec "$(controllerPod)" --container ziti-controller -- ziti "$@" } shellWrapper() { kubectlWrapper exec "$(controllerPod)" --container ziti-controller --tty --stdin -- bash } kubectlWrapper() { minikube kubectl --profile "$MINIKUBE_PROFILE" -- --context "$MINIKUBE_PROFILE" "$@" } minikubeWrapper() { minikube --profile "$MINIKUBE_PROFILE" "$@" } helmWrapper() { helm --kube-context "$MINIKUBE_PROFILE" "$@" } checkCommand() { if ! command -v "$1" &>/dev/null; then logError "this script requires command '$1'. Please install on the search PATH and try again." $1 fi } main(){ checkBashVersion >&2 MINIZITI_DEBUG=0 # require commands declare -a BINS=(awk grep helm jq minikube nslookup pgrep sed xargs) for BIN in "${BINS[@]}"; do checkCommand "$BIN" done # open a descriptor for debug messages exec 3>/dev/null # local strings with defaults that never produce an error declare DELETE_MINIZITI=0 \ DETECTED_OS \ DO_ZITI_LOGIN=0 \ MINIKUBE_NODE_EXTERNAL \ MINIKUBE_PROFILE \ MINIZITI_HOSTS=1 \ MINIZITI_MODIFY_HOSTS=0 \ OPEN_ZITI_CONSOLE=0 \ RUN_ZITI_CLI=0 \ SAFETY_WAIT=1 \ SHOW_ADMIN_CREDS=0 \ START_MINIZITI=0 \ ZITI_CHARTS_ALT=0 \ ZITI_CHARTS_REF="openziti" \ ZITI_CHARTS_URL="https://openziti.io/helm-charts/charts" \ EXTRA_VALUES_DIR \ ZITI_NAMESPACE # local arrays with defaults that never produce an error declare -a MINIKUBE_START_ARGS=() # local defaults that are inherited or may error DETECTED_OS="$(detectOs)" : "${DEBUG_MINIKUBE_TUNNEL:=0}" # set env = 1 to trigger the minikube tunnel probe : "${MINIZITI_TIMEOUT_SECS:=240}" MINIZITI_CONFIGMAP="miniziti-config" ZITI_CLI_HOME="$(getZitiCliHome)" ZITI_CLI_CERTS_DIR="$ZITI_CLI_HOME/certs" STATE_DIR="$(makeMinizitiStateDir)" PROFILES_DIR="$STATE_DIR/profiles" [[ ! -d "$PROFILES_DIR" ]] && mkdir "$PROFILES_DIR" DEFAULT_PROFILE="$PROFILES_DIR/default" MINIKUBE_PROFILE="$(getDefaultProfile)" while (( $# )); do case "$1" in start) START_MINIZITI=1 shift ;; delete) DELETE_MINIZITI=1 shift ;; console) OPEN_ZITI_CONSOLE=1 shift ;; creds) SHOW_ADMIN_CREDS=1 shift ;; profile) shift if (( $# == 0 )); then _usageProfile exit 1 fi case "$1" in list) shift listProfiles exit ;; use) shift if (( $# != 1 )); then _usageProfileUse exit 1 fi setProfile "$1" exit ;; show) getDefaultProfile exit ;; *) _usageProfile "$1" exit 1 ;; esac ;; login) DO_ZITI_LOGIN=1 shift ;; status) showStatus exit ;; ziti) RUN_ZITI_CLI=1 shift ziti_cli_args=("$@") shift "${#ziti_cli_args[@]}" ;; kubectl) shift kubectlWrapper "${@:-}" exit ;; minikube) shift minikubeWrapper "${@:-}" exit ;; shell) shift shellWrapper "${@:-}" exit ;; -p|--profile) validateDnsName "$2" MINIKUBE_PROFILE="$2" # sanity check the profile name input if [[ ${MINIKUBE_PROFILE} =~ ^- ]]; then # in case the arg value is another option instead of the profile name logError "--profile needs a profile name not starting with a hyphen" _usage exit 1 fi shift 2 ;; -n|--namespace) ZITI_NAMESPACE="$2" shift 2 ;; --charts) ZITI_CHARTS_REF="$2" ZITI_CHARTS_URL="$2" ZITI_CHARTS_ALT=1 shift 2 ;; --values-dir) EXTRA_VALUES_DIR="$2" shift 2 ;; -q|--quiet) exec > /dev/null shift ;; -v|--verbose|--debug) MINIZITI_DEBUG=1 exec 3>&1 shift ;; --now) SAFETY_WAIT=0 shift ;; --no-hosts) MINIZITI_HOSTS=0 shift ;; --modify-hosts) if [[ "$DETECTED_OS" != "Linux" ]]; then logError "The '--modify-hosts' option is only available for Linux" exit 1 fi MINIZITI_MODIFY_HOSTS=1 shift ;; --) shift mapfile -t -n1 MINIKUBE_START_ARGS <<< "$*" shift $# if (( ${#MINIKUBE_START_ARGS[*]} )) && [[ -n "${MINIKUBE_START_ARGS[0]}" ]]; then logDebug "passing ${#MINIKUBE_START_ARGS[*]} args to minikube start: '${MINIKUBE_START_ARGS[*]}'" else MINIKUBE_START_ARGS=() fi ;; -h|*help) _usage exit 0 ;; *) _usage "$1" exit ;; esac done : "${ZITI_NAMESPACE:=${MINIKUBE_PROFILE}}" MINIZITI_INGRESS_ZONE="$MINIKUBE_PROFILE.internal" MINIZITI_INTERCEPT_ZONE="$MINIKUBE_PROFILE.private" PROFILE_DIR="$PROFILES_DIR/${MINIKUBE_PROFILE}" IDENTITIES_DIR="$PROFILE_DIR/identities" if (( DO_ZITI_LOGIN )); then minizitiLogin exit 0 fi if (( SHOW_ADMIN_CREDS )); then showAdminCreds exit 0 fi if (( OPEN_ZITI_CONSOLE )); then minizitiConsole exit 0 fi if (( RUN_ZITI_CLI )); then zitiWrapper "${ziti_cli_args[@]}" exit 0 fi if (( DELETE_MINIZITI )); then banner "$MINIKUBE_PROFILE" trap EXIT if ingress_zone="$(getIngressZone)"; then if (( MINIZITI_MODIFY_HOSTS )) && grep -q "$ingress_zone" "$HOSTS_FILE"; then checkSudoRequired cleanHosts "$ingress_zone" fi CERT_FILE="$(find "$ZITI_CLI_CERTS_DIR" -maxdepth 1 -type f -name "miniziti-controller.$ingress_zone" -print -quit 2> /dev/null)" if [[ -n "$CERT_FILE" ]]; then logWarn "Deleting miniziti certificate file: $CERT_FILE" rm -f "$CERT_FILE" fi fi trap - EXIT deleteMiniziti 10 if [[ -d "$PROFILE_DIR" ]]; then logWarn "Deleting miniziti profile directory: $PROFILE_DIR" rm -rf "$PROFILE_DIR" fi if [[ -L "$DEFAULT_PROFILE" ]]; then if [[ "$(basename "$(realpath "$DEFAULT_PROFILE")")" == "$MINIKUBE_PROFILE" ]]; then unlink "$DEFAULT_PROFILE" fi fi # Cannot nicely call logout until https://github.com/openziti/ziti/issues/1305 is addressed. # if checkCommand ziti &>/dev/null; then # logWarn "Removing $MINIKUBE_PROFILE profile identity from ziti-cli.json" # ziti edge logout --cli-identity "$MINIKUBE_PROFILE" >&3 # fi exit 0 fi if (( START_MINIZITI != 1 )); then _usage exit 0; fi banner "$MINIKUBE_PROFILE" if [[ ! -d "$IDENTITIES_DIR" ]]; then logDebug "Creating miniziti identities directory: ($IDENTITIES_DIR)" mkdir -p "$IDENTITIES_DIR" fi # ## Ensure Minikube is Started and Configured # # run 'minikube start' if not running or any extra start args are present logInfo "waiting for minikube to be ready" if ! minikube status \ --profile "${MINIKUBE_PROFILE}" 2>/dev/null \ | grep -q "apiserver: Running" \ || (( ${#MINIKUBE_START_ARGS[*]} )); then logDebug "apiserver not running or got extra start args, running 'minikube start'" eval minikube start \ --profile "${MINIKUBE_PROFILE}" \ "${MINIKUBE_START_ARGS[*]}" >&3 else logDebug "apiserver is running, not starting minikube" fi MINIKUBE_NODE_EXTERNAL=$(minikube --profile "${MINIKUBE_PROFILE}" ip) # if --no-hosts then build a new zone name for RFC-1918 wildcard DNS (( MINIZITI_HOSTS )) || { MINIZITI_INGRESS_ZONE="${MINIKUBE_NODE_EXTERNAL}.sslip.io" logDebug "DNS wildcard zone for ingresses is ${MINIZITI_INGRESS_ZONE}" } if [[ -n "${MINIKUBE_NODE_EXTERNAL:-}" ]]; then logDebug "the minikube external IP is ${MINIKUBE_NODE_EXTERNAL}" else logError "failed to find minikube external IP" exit 1 fi if (( MINIZITI_MODIFY_HOSTS )); then installHosts fi # verify current context can connect to apiserver kubectlWrapper cluster-info >&3 logDebug "kubectl successfully obtained cluster-info from apiserver" # enable ssl-passthrough for OpenZiti ingresses if kubectlWrapper get deployment "ingress-nginx-controller" \ --namespace ingress-nginx \ --output 'go-template={{ (index .spec.template.spec.containers 0).args }}' 2>/dev/null \ | grep -q enable-ssl-passthrough; then logDebug "ingress-nginx has ssl-passthrough enabled" else logDebug "installing ingress-nginx" # enable minikube addons for ingress-nginx minikube addons enable ingress \ --profile "${MINIKUBE_PROFILE}" >&3 # enable minikube addon ingress-dns unless --no-hosts (( MINIZITI_HOSTS )) && { minikube addons enable ingress-dns \ --profile "${MINIKUBE_PROFILE}" >&3 } logDebug "patching ingress-nginx deployment to enable ssl-passthrough" kubectlWrapper patch deployment "ingress-nginx-controller" \ --namespace ingress-nginx \ --type json \ --patch '[{"op": "add", "path": "/spec/template/spec/containers/0/args/-", "value":"--enable-ssl-passthrough" }]' >&3 fi logInfo "waiting for ingress-nginx to be ready" # wait for ingress-nginx kubectlWrapper wait jobs "ingress-nginx-admission-patch" \ --namespace ingress-nginx \ --for condition=complete \ --timeout "${MINIZITI_TIMEOUT_SECS}s" >&3 kubectlWrapper wait pods \ --namespace ingress-nginx \ --for condition=ready \ --selector app.kubernetes.io/component=controller \ --timeout "${MINIZITI_TIMEOUT_SECS}s" >&3 logDebug "applying Custom Resource Definitions: Certificate, Issuer, and Bundle" kubectlWrapper apply \ --filename https://github.com/cert-manager/cert-manager/releases/latest/download/cert-manager.crds.yaml >&3 kubectlWrapper apply \ --filename https://raw.githubusercontent.com/cert-manager/trust-manager/v0.7.0/deploy/crds/trust.cert-manager.io_bundles.yaml >&3 declare -A HELM_REPOS HELM_REPOS[openziti]="openziti.io/helm-charts" HELM_REPOS[jetstack]="charts.jetstack.io" HELM_REPOS[ingress-nginx]="kubernetes.github.io/ingress-nginx" for REPO in "${!HELM_REPOS[@]}"; do if helmWrapper repo list | cut -f1 | grep -qE "^${REPO}(\s+)?$"; then logDebug "refreshing ${REPO} Helm Charts" helmWrapper repo update "${REPO}" >&3 else logInfo "subscribing to ${REPO} Helm Charts" helmWrapper repo add "${REPO}" "https://${HELM_REPOS[${REPO}]}" >&3 fi done # ## Ensure OpenZiti Controller is Upgraded and Ready # logInfo "installing openziti controller chart" (( ZITI_CHARTS_ALT )) && { logDebug "building ${ZITI_CHARTS_REF}/ziti-controller Helm Chart dependencies" helmWrapper dependency build "${ZITI_CHARTS_REF}/ziti-controller" >&3 } local -a _controller_cmd=(upgrade --install "ziti-controller" "${ZITI_CHARTS_REF}/ziti-controller" --namespace "${ZITI_NAMESPACE}" --create-namespace --set ctrlPlane.advertisedHost="miniziti-controller-ctrl.${MINIZITI_INGRESS_ZONE}" --set clientApi.advertisedHost="miniziti-controller.${MINIZITI_INGRESS_ZONE}" --set trust-manager.app.trust.namespace="${ZITI_NAMESPACE}" --set trust-manager.enabled=true --set cert-manager.enabled=true --values "${ZITI_CHARTS_URL}/ziti-controller/values-ingress-nginx.yaml" ) if [[ -n "${EXTRA_VALUES_DIR:-}" && -s "${EXTRA_VALUES_DIR}/ziti-controller.yaml" ]]; then _controller_cmd+=(--values "${EXTRA_VALUES_DIR}/ziti-controller.yaml") fi helmWrapper "${_controller_cmd[@]}" >&3 logDebug "setting default namespace '${ZITI_NAMESPACE}' in kubeconfig context '${MINIKUBE_PROFILE}'" kubectlWrapper config set-context "${MINIKUBE_PROFILE}" \ --namespace "${ZITI_NAMESPACE}" >&3 for DEPLOYMENT in ziti-controller-cert-manager trust-manager ziti-controller; do logInfo "waiting for $DEPLOYMENT to be ready" kubectlWrapper wait deployments "$DEPLOYMENT" \ --namespace "${ZITI_NAMESPACE}" \ --for condition=Available=True \ --timeout "${MINIZITI_TIMEOUT_SECS}s" >&3 done # ## Ensure Minikube Tunnel is Running on macOS and WSL # # wait to probe for the minikube tunnel until after controller deployment so there's at least one # ingress causing minikube to immediately prompt for sudo password if (( DEBUG_MINIKUBE_TUNNEL )) || [[ "${DETECTED_OS}" =~ Windows|macOS ]]; then logDebug "detected OS is ${DETECTED_OS}, probing for minikube tunnel" if ! pgrep -f "minikube --profile ${MINIKUBE_PROFILE} tunnel" >&3; then echo -e "ERROR: ${DETECTED_OS} OS requires a running minikube tunnel for ingresses."\ " In another terminal, run the following command. Then re-run this script."\ "\n\n\tminikube --profile ${MINIKUBE_PROFILE} tunnel\n" >&2 exit 1 else logDebug "minikube tunnel is running" fi # recommend /etc/hosts change unless dns is configured to reach the minikube node IP checkDns "" else checkDns "$MINIKUBE_NODE_EXTERNAL" fi # ## Ensure Cluster DNS is Resolving miniziti-controller.${MINIZITI_INGRESS_ZONE} # if ! testClusterDns "${MINIKUBE_NODE_EXTERNAL}" 2>/dev/null; then logDebug "initial cluster dns test failed, doing cluster dns setup" # xargs trims whitespace because minikube ssh returns a stray trailing '\r' after remote command output logDebug "probing minikube node for internal host record" MINIKUBE_NODE_INTERNAL=$(minikube --profile "${MINIKUBE_PROFILE}" ssh 'grep host.minikube.internal /etc/hosts') if [[ -n "${MINIKUBE_NODE_INTERNAL:-}" ]]; then # strip surrounding whitespace MINIKUBE_NODE_INTERNAL=$(xargs <<< "${MINIKUBE_NODE_INTERNAL}") logDebug "the minikube internal host record is \"${MINIKUBE_NODE_INTERNAL}\"" else logError "failed to find minikube internal IP" exit 1 fi (( MINIZITI_HOSTS )) && { logDebug "patching coredns configmap with *.${MINIZITI_INGRESS_ZONE} forwarder to minikube ingress-dns nameserver" kubectlWrapper patch configmap "coredns" \ --namespace kube-system \ --patch " data: Corefile: | .:53 { log errors health { lameduck 5s } ready kubernetes cluster.local in-addr.arpa ip6.arpa { pods insecure fallthrough in-addr.arpa ip6.arpa ttl 30 } prometheus :9153 hosts { ${MINIKUBE_NODE_INTERNAL} fallthrough } forward . /etc/resolv.conf { max_concurrent 1000 } cache 30 loop reload loadbalance } ${MINIZITI_INGRESS_ZONE}:53 { errors cache 30 forward . ${MINIKUBE_NODE_EXTERNAL} } " >&3 logDebug "deleting coredns pod so a new one will have modified Corefile" kubectlWrapper delete pods \ --context "$MINIKUBE_PROFILE" \ --namespace kube-system \ --selector k8s-app=kube-dns >&3 logDebug "waiting for cluster dns to be ready" kubectlWrapper wait deployments "coredns" \ --namespace kube-system \ --for condition=Available=True \ --timeout "${MINIZITI_TIMEOUT_SECS}s" >&3 } # perform a DNS query in a pod so we know ingress-dns is working inside the cluster testClusterDns "${MINIKUBE_NODE_EXTERNAL}" fi if kubectlWrapper get configmap "$MINIZITI_CONFIGMAP" &> /dev/null; then logDebug "$MINIZITI_CONFIGMAP configmap has been applied" else logInfo "Applying $MINIZITI_CONFIGMAP configmap" cat <&3 apiVersion: v1 kind: ConfigMap metadata: name: "$MINIZITI_CONFIGMAP" namespace: "$ZITI_NAMESPACE" data: ingress-zone: "$MINIZITI_INGRESS_ZONE" EOF fi # ## Ensure OpenZiti Router is Enrolled and Ready # # logInfo "Setting default ziti identity to: $MINIKUBE_PROFILE" zitiWrapper edge use "$MINIKUBE_PROFILE" >&3 ROUTER_NAME='miniziti-router' ROUTER_OTT="$IDENTITIES_DIR/$ROUTER_NAME.jwt" if zitiWrapper edge list edge-routers "name=\"$ROUTER_NAME\"" \ | grep -q miniziti-router; then logDebug "updating $ROUTER_NAME" zitiWrapper edge update edge-router "$ROUTER_NAME" \ --role-attributes "public-routers" >&3 else logDebug "creating $ROUTER_NAME" zitiWrapper edge create edge-router "$ROUTER_NAME" \ --role-attributes "public-routers" \ --tunneler-enabled >&3 zitiWrapper edge list edge-routers \ "name=\"$ROUTER_NAME\"" \ --output-json \ | jq --exit-status --raw-output '.data[0].enrollmentJwt' > "$ROUTER_OTT" fi logDebug "installing router chart as 'ziti-router'" (( ZITI_CHARTS_ALT )) && { logDebug "building ${ZITI_CHARTS_REF}/ziti-router Helm Chart dependencies" helmWrapper dependency build "${ZITI_CHARTS_REF}/ziti-router" >&3 } local -a _router_cmd=(upgrade --install "ziti-router" "${ZITI_CHARTS_REF}/ziti-router" --namespace "${ZITI_NAMESPACE}" --set-file enrollmentJwt="$ROUTER_OTT" --set edge.advertisedHost="miniziti-router.${MINIZITI_INGRESS_ZONE}" --set linkListeners.transport.advertisedHost="miniziti-router-transport.${MINIZITI_INGRESS_ZONE}" --set "ctrl.endpoint=ziti-controller-ctrl.${ZITI_NAMESPACE}.svc:443" --set "tunnel.mode=host" --values "${ZITI_CHARTS_URL}/ziti-router/values-ingress-nginx.yaml" ) if [[ -n "${EXTRA_VALUES_DIR:-}" && -s "${EXTRA_VALUES_DIR}/ziti-router.yaml" ]]; then _router_cmd+=(--values "${EXTRA_VALUES_DIR}/ziti-router.yaml") fi helmWrapper "${_router_cmd[@]}" >&3 logInfo "waiting for ziti-router to be ready" kubectlWrapper wait deployments "ziti-router" \ --namespace "${ZITI_NAMESPACE}" \ --for condition=Available=True \ --timeout "${MINIZITI_TIMEOUT_SECS}s" >&3 logDebug "probing miniziti-router for online status" if zitiWrapper edge list edge-routers "name=\"$ROUTER_NAME\"" \ | awk '/miniziti-router/ {print $6}' \ | grep -q true; then logInfo "miniziti-router is online" else logError "miniziti-router is offline" exit 1 fi logDebug "setting default namespace to '${ZITI_NAMESPACE}' in kubeconfig context '${MINIKUBE_PROFILE}'" kubectlWrapper config set-context "${MINIKUBE_PROFILE}" \ --namespace "${ZITI_NAMESPACE}" >&3 # ## Ensure OpenZiti Identities and Services are Created # CLIENT_NAME="${MINIKUBE_PROFILE}-client" CLIENT_OTT="$IDENTITIES_DIR/$CLIENT_NAME.jwt" if ! zitiWrapper edge list identities "name=\"$CLIENT_NAME\"" --csv \ | grep -q "$CLIENT_NAME"; then logDebug "creating identity $CLIENT_NAME" zitiWrapper edge create identity "$CLIENT_NAME" \ --role-attributes httpbin-clients >&3 zitiWrapper edge list identities "name=\"$CLIENT_NAME\"" \ --output-json \ | jq --exit-status --raw-output '.data[0].enrollment.ott.jwt' > "$CLIENT_OTT" else logDebug "ignoring identity $CLIENT_NAME" fi HTTPBIN_NAME="httpbin-host" HTTPBIN_OTT="$IDENTITIES_DIR/$HTTPBIN_NAME.jwt" if ! zitiWrapper edge list identities "name=\"$HTTPBIN_NAME\"" --csv \ | grep -q "$HTTPBIN_NAME"; then logDebug "creating identity $HTTPBIN_NAME" zitiWrapper edge create identity "$HTTPBIN_NAME" \ --role-attributes httpbin-hosts >&3 zitiWrapper edge list identities "name=\"$HTTPBIN_NAME\"" \ --output-json \ | jq --exit-status --raw-output '.data[0].enrollment.ott.jwt' > "$HTTPBIN_OTT" else logDebug "ignoring identity $HTTPBIN_NAME" fi if ! zitiWrapper edge list configs 'name="httpbin-intercept-config"' --csv \ | grep -q "httpbin-intercept-config"; then logDebug "creating config httpbin-intercept-config" zitiWrapper edge create config "httpbin-intercept-config" intercept.v1 \ '{"protocols":["tcp"],"addresses":["httpbin.'"${MINIZITI_INTERCEPT_ZONE}"'"], "portRanges":[{"low":80, "high":80}]}' >&3 else logDebug "ignoring config httpbin-intercept-config" fi if ! zitiWrapper edge list configs 'name="httpbin-host-config"' --csv \ | grep -q "httpbin-host-config"; then logDebug "creating config httpbin-host-config" zitiWrapper edge create config "httpbin-host-config" host.v1 \ '{"protocol":"tcp", "address":"httpbin","port":8080}' >&3 else logDebug "ignoring config httpbin-host-config" fi if ! zitiWrapper edge list services 'name="httpbin-service"' --csv \ | grep -q "httpbin-service"; then logDebug "creating service httpbin-service" zitiWrapper edge create service "httpbin-service" \ --configs httpbin-intercept-config,httpbin-host-config >&3 else logDebug "ignoring service httpbin-service" fi if ! zitiWrapper edge list service-policies 'name="httpbin-bind-policy"' --csv \ | grep -q "httpbin-bind-policy"; then logDebug "creating service-policy httpbin-bind-policy" zitiWrapper edge create service-policy "httpbin-bind-policy" Bind \ --service-roles '@httpbin-service' --identity-roles '#httpbin-hosts' >&3 else logDebug "ignoring service-policy httpbin-bind-policy" fi if ! zitiWrapper edge list service-policies 'name="httpbin-dial-policy"' --csv \ | grep -q "httpbin-dial-policy"; then logDebug "creating service-policy httpbin-dial-policy" zitiWrapper edge create service-policy "httpbin-dial-policy" Dial \ --service-roles '@httpbin-service' --identity-roles '#httpbin-clients' >&3 else logDebug "ignoring service-policy httpbin-dial-policy" fi if ! zitiWrapper edge list edge-router-policies 'name="public-routers"' --csv \ | grep -q "public-routers"; then logDebug "creating edge-router-policy public-routers" zitiWrapper edge create edge-router-policy "public-routers" \ --edge-router-roles '#public-routers' --identity-roles '#all' >&3 else logDebug "ignoring edge-router-policy public-routers" fi if ! zitiWrapper edge list service-edge-router-policies 'name="public-routers"' --csv \ | grep -q "public-routers"; then logDebug "creating service-edge-router-policy public-routers" zitiWrapper edge create service-edge-router-policy "public-routers" \ --edge-router-roles '#public-routers' --service-roles '#all' >&3 else logDebug "ignoring service-edge-router-policy public-routers" fi if [[ -s "$HTTPBIN_OTT" ]]; then logDebug "installing httpbin chart as 'miniziti-httpbin'" (( ZITI_CHARTS_ALT )) && { helmWrapper dependency build "${ZITI_CHARTS_REF}/httpbin" >&3 } helmWrapper install "miniziti-httpbin" "${ZITI_CHARTS_REF}/httpbin" \ --set-file zitiEnrollment="$HTTPBIN_OTT" \ --set zitiServiceName=httpbin-service >&3 rm -f "$HTTPBIN_OTT" logDebug "deleted $HTTPBIN_OTT after installing successfully with miniziti-httpbin chart" fi echo -e "\n\n" logInfo "Your OpenZiti Console is here: https://miniziti-controller.${MINIZITI_INGRESS_ZONE}/zac/" showAdminCreds echo -e "\n\n" logInfo "r'Success! Remember to add your edge client identity '$(pathToNative "$CLIENT_OTT")' in your tunneler, e.g. Ziti Desktop Edge.'" } main "$@"